Artificial Intelligence

AI US Dynamic
Artifical intelligence has the potential to revolutionize quantitative protfolio management

Product cooperation with Ultramarin Capital GmbH. Ultramarin develops quantitative investment strategies based on machine learning technologies.

The AI US Dynamic is an investment fund, completely based on artificial intelligence. The investment objective is to achieve a risk-adjusted high absolute return. The core of the quantitative investment strategy is built by a fully automated AI-trading-system which generates risk-adjusted long-portfolios.

„AI for next generation portfolio management“

  • Quantitative investment strategy based on a fully automated AI-trading-system
  • The AI-model forecasts the expected return for every stock in the S&P 500
  • Structuring of a long-portfolio, which maximizes the investor’s utility function
Fund Data
Fund AI US Dynamic
Fund initiator KJL Capital GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
Liability umbrella BN & Partners Capital AG, Frankfurt am Main
KVG HANSAINVEST Hanseatische Investment-GmbH, Hamburg
Custodian DONNER & REUSCHEL Aktiengesellschaft, Hamburg
Fund category Balanced fund (UCITS)
Currency US-Dollar (USD)
WKN / ISIN A2JJ20 / DE000A2JJ206 (USD) A2JJ2Z / DE000A2JJ2Z6 (EUR) quanto
Distribution policy Distributing
Management fee 0,90% p.a.
Minimum investment -
Agio -
Performance fee 20% with a 7% hurdle rate, HWM

Investment advice according to section 1 para. 1a no. 1a German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz – KWG) and investment brokerage according to section 1 para. 1a no. 1 German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz – KWG) will be provided solely for the account and under the liability of BN & Partners Capital AG, Steinstraße 33 in 50374 Erftstadt, according to section 2 para. 10 German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz – KWG). BN & Partners Capital AG possesses the required authorisation of Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) for the above mentioned financial services. The data is for informational purposes only.

The information on the investment fund published on this website does not constitute any counselling or advice or a recommendation to subscribe or an offer to buy or sell any securities or other financial products. The content provided serves solely for general information purposes. The sales prospectus, the current financial report and the current half-year report are the sole binding basis for the purchase of fund units. Sales documents on the fund are available, following publication, free of charge from the capital management company (Hanseatische Investment-GmbH, Kapstadtring 8, 22297 Hamburg, Tel. +49 40 300 57-0), the depositary of the fund (DONNER & REUSCHEL Aktiengesellschaft, Hamburg) and on the Internet at The information provided does not constitute any advice or recommendations. Historical data is no guarantee of future results, which cannot be predicted. All information provided reflects the current assessment of the author or authors and does not necessarily represent the opinion of the companies named in the presentation. All data are subject to change.
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